Monday, April 20, 2015

9 Month Annibirthery

I did take the 9 months pictures on the 17th. But then didn't get around to posting them. The pictures are pretty much worth 1,000 words.

That's Russell's hand over there. He was trying to figure out how to get in the picture.
He would lay down but then pop up again to see
the picture - before I could actually take any pictures. He
was becoming quite the nuisance so I put him in his crib.
[I like how Ethan is laughing at him.]
Being in the bed resulted in an epic melt down.
[Picture proof for all of you who think he is a happy angel 24/7.]
A short pause to see if I was paying attention and if I was going to
rectify the situation.
Upon realizing that I was not going to get him out he fell back into a
pit of despair.
I got back to the photo shoot.
Again laughing at his trapped and unhappy brother.
Finally a grin for mommy!
[He would not straighten his legs out for me.]
Then I released Russell and the wrestling commenced. It is a favorite for both of them.

This is a new face that Ethan has been making. This was the first time he made it
actually. And I can't get him to make it "on demand". But every once in awhile he
will bless us with ultra-cuteness.
Rawr! The brother-monster!
Brotherly love.

We go in Wednesday for his well-baby check up and stats. I'll edit later.

Ethan is becoming a more confident sitter although he is still showing zero interest in rolling. The other day we were on the floor together and I was trying to entice him to roll. It is almost as if he is afraid of rolling. His eyes get big and he contracts all of his muscles so I can't move him. We think that he was five weeks premature and that does make a difference. But it is a major mental shift for me. Especially since Russell was so mobile so early. But reading about the girls; Etta could crawl but not sit up on her own and Mae could sit up on her own but not crawl. Each child is unique and perfect in just their own way.

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