Thursday, June 18, 2015

11 Month Annibirthery

Ethan turned 11 months old yesterday.

12 months ago we did not even know that he existed. Anywhere. We hadn't even been introduced to the situation that we were considering before his situation came to us.

Now I can't imagine life any other way.

Ethan has made huge strides in his gross motor skills over the last month. Even with adjusted age for five weeks of prematurity he was still lagging behind a bit in that department. His fine motor skills have always been out of sight, but he really just lacked interest to go anywhere.

[Having three older siblings dote on you endlessly may have had a little something to do with that.]

Now he rolls, scootches, and "inchworms" his way where ever he wants to be. Look out world - mama's about to get just a little bit more tired.

Russell was on top of it for this photo shoot. No more messing around like last time.
He's all about comfort.
I told Russell if he was going to keep his fingers in his mouth he would have
to get out of the picture. He complied.
By the time I could clear everyone out to get a length pic Ethan was done.
I mean, he has places to go and people to see I guess.
Ah ha! Look at me!
I'm just chillin'.
I can go anywhere I want.
Including coming to get YOU!
Then Mae wanted to take some pictures.
Ethan does not look impressed.
On of his favorite things to do is pinch my nose. Only me though.
He doesn't do it to Bob.
I had to include this one just for the tongue.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Play time

It is happening.

They are playing together.


Candid shot.
Two out of three looking.
Dude, you're supposed to look at mommy.
I'm getting tired of smiling...