Saturday, February 28, 2015

Day 10 - Happy Birthday Russell!

Russell turned two today. It has been the hardest turning-two for me yet. I don't really know why. I have a baby who will also be turning two, so it's not like it's my youngest. Yesterday the girls and I played a game of "the-last-time-Russell-will-________-as-a-one-year-old". Ie: The last breakfast as a one-year old, the last nap as a one-year old, etc. He was a sport as always.

Russell is a super fun kid. He has his own sense of humor, and while he doesn't string words together quite yet, he will yak your ear right off. He has spear headed his potty training over the last week and his preference is to be naked. He always keeps just a bit back so he goes 10 times in a row. But he is doing really well and I am really glad that it is not a fight.

He would also like to spend most of his time outside and is constantly bringing me his shoes and coat and saying, "Out! Go! Out!" He also gets quite upset when sisters get to play outside or go places and he is stuck watching from the picture window of life. It would help a lot if he would stay in the yard or close to it. Nope. Not this kid. He rode his trike down the block one day and right off into the street at the other end. It is a lot of time on task for me to be outside with him. But we will be spending time out this summer when he is (hopefully) fully potty trained and we can utilize pants!

He loves cars and Duplos. Little People. His "baby" (stuffed animal). Ethan. Giving kisses. On the lips. To whomever is willing to allow that to happen. Yesterday, for the first time ever, he came to me, wrapped his arms around my legs and said, "Up mommy!" Snuggling is one of his favorite things to do. He also likes to "read" books and have books read to him. He is quick to smile and has a gut rolling laugh that is not to be missed. [But don't let me fool you. He is also learning about expressing his feelings in other ways. Throwing toys, throwing tantrums and throwing punches or kicks. And yesterday when Mae did "something" to him he turned to her, grabbed two big handfuls of hair and yanked. Hard. He seems to be all sunshine and roses, but there is an ornery kid in there.]

We love our Russell the Muscle and are excited to see what the next year brings!

The children enjoying some Dick and Jane as read by Etta.
While mommy and daddy cleaned up a "present" that Russell had released on the floor.
For Russell's birthday party Etta & Mae wanted to hire our friend
Pete to put on a magic show. Pete is amazing. His magic is amazing.
I totally recommend that you hire him for your next party!
Getting the show started. 
Staring intently at one of the tricks.
Waiting for cake. Enjoying his new hammer from Grandma Cynthia.
Funfetti cake with funfetti frosting.
Russell wasn't sure about what to do with the candles. Good thing Mae is a professional.
Enjoying the spoils of his day.

Day 9 - Outside

Russell loves being outside. But yesterday was cleaning day and he has been naked for potty training so he had to content himself with enjoying the view with some friends.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Day 7 - Reading

Last week I moved the dining room chairs into the living so I could vacuum the rug. Mae and Russell  grabbed some books, climbed up and had some reading time. Of course Russell heard my camera shutter and had to ham it up for the camera. I just love their twin little heads.

I heard you mommy!
Fine, I'll turn back around.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Day 6 - Practicing

This kid is pretty set on using the big potty. Although he doesn't always tell me when he has to go.

The phases we went through just today:

1. Took off pants and pull-up to use the potty. Refused to put anything back on.

2. Decided to start telling me that he needed to use the potty. While I was on hold with the social security office.

3. Thought it would be a fun game to pee about five drops in the potty chair, hand it to me to empty and rinse out. Then put it back in and repeat. Over and over and over ...

I thought it would be fun to get this shot. I ran out to get my camera, came in and got a couple of shots, ran my camera back out to the other room. When I came back he was dipping one foot in the toilet. Mae: "Um, are you gonna wash his foot now?" Yes Mae. Yes I am.

This way has worked well for Russell. He can see ... what's going on ... and
I can see if he has gone.
Always a poser - no matter the circumstances.
This potty training experience has been much different than my first two children. I actively potty trained them and they were both (mostly) potty trained before they turned two. Russell has been showing an interest for quite some time (like a few months) but I just don't have the time and awareness to pick up on every little cue he gives me. But a few weeks ago he got quite adamant about getting the job done. It is slow and kind of frustrating, but I just keep reminding myself that he is doing the leading and at least I am not fighting with him about it. Who knows? Maybe he'll be trained by the time he turns two too. (On Saturday .... ???)

Monday, February 23, 2015

Day 5 - Daredevil

Mae has really embraced riding her bike this spring. Er, winter. She loves to go out and ride as fast as she can up and down the block. 

"Look mom! I can ride with one hand!"

"Look mom! Look mom! Look mom!"

In turn she has had a few more crashes than in the past. But she always bounces back.

So proud of her skills.
One of the "tricks" she can do. Look at the joy on her face!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Day 4 - Party Animal

We went to a birthday party at the park today. Maybe Russell's first actual birthday party - at least one where he got to participate in (most of) the festivities. He wasn't quite getting the hat down though.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Day 3 - Surprise

It was a beautiful afternoon today so we decided to get in a walk on the levee and then go to the library.

Check out Mae's eclectic outfit. The Toy Story moon boots are a must these days.
She hardly leaves the house without them.
I texted Jackie soon after we started our walk. She was supposed to get in to Lewiston late late late yesterday and I wanted to make sure she had made it safely.

Imagine my surprise when she texted me back and said that she was at the library just then! So we high-tailed our walk and caught up with her at the library.

Two very happy girls to have their Jackie back.

Welcome home Pvt. Davis!
Rachel was there too of course. And we love her just as much as we love Jackie. Promise!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Day 2 - Practicing

Or I should say, Day 5 - Practicing.

Uncle Erik got the kids a basketball hoop and ball for Christmas. He bought it when he was here on Sunday and put it together Monday before he left. Etta has been out every. single. day. practicing her jump shot.

Thanks for the great gift Uncle Erik!! We won't need any presents for anything from you for the entire year!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

7th Month Annibirthery

My oh my how fast seven months have flown by!

Yesterday was Ethan's 7 month annibirthery. And today is 2 months since his finalization!

As of 7 months Ethan weighs approximately 18 pounds I would think. Two weeks ago before his surgery he weighed about 17.5 pounds. Much chunkier than his siblings at this point. He has two lower teeth poking through and with the way he gnaws on his hand (and anything else he can reach) I am always surprised when I don't find more teeth when I look.

After we got back from our medical trip to Spokane I decided to start him on solid food. Like the other kids I bought a big jug of single grain rice cereal to ease him in to food. He did not like it at all. Not only did he clamp his mouth closed, even when he was crying from dismay, he discovered if he sucked his lower lip in, the spoon would definitely could not enter.

Not impressed. "You want me to eat what?!"
I then tried green beans. The other three detested green beans and would not allow them, or anything green, to pass their lips for quite some time. This guy? He lapped them right up. Followed by green peas, squash and carrots. I bought some oatmeal and we will see how that goes over at breakfast tomorrow.

Overheard by Mae this morning, "RU-ssell! Ethan's not just YOUR baby, he's everybody's baby!!" That about sums it up around here. 

He still is not rolling. Or sitting. Not too much of a reason to when everyone brings toys to you and pays scads of attention to every peep that you make. He does sckootch around on his back, turning this way and that to see what is going on around him. Today I laid him on his tummy in front of the Little People Sesame Street house and he was quite unhappy. I gave him some Little People to play with and went into the kitchen to make a phone call. A bit later Mae came screaming in, "He rolled over mommy! All by himself! When no one was watching!" So yes, he does roll. 

If you compare pics, Ethan and Russell seem to be about the same length at seven months. It will be fun to watch them grow together.

Hi mom! I see you!!
There's that eyebrow! He has one of the most expressive faces that I have ever seen.

[Are they not all just the fattest babies?! Even though Ethan weighs more they are look a lot plumper. I guess his pounds are in his thighs where as theirs was in their cheeks!]

On a side note (end note?) today is the first day of Lent. Here's to getting a picture, and posting it, every day until Easter.

Monday, February 9, 2015

UI Homecoming

In October we headed to Moscow for the day to celebrate UI Homecoming. We did not participate in the alumni band this year as it was having a sabbatical. I would have to say, as much fun as we have playing for our alma mater, just being able to relax and take in the whole day was quite nice. Fall is my favorite season of the year and the day couldn't have been more perfect for a parade, tail-gating and a football game.

Headed to the parade. Etta as the doughnuts. Look at those colors ... I LOVE fall!
The Sound of Idaho came down the parade route backwards to get to the beginning.
So we got to see them twice.
I believe the tubas were dressed as Disney princesses. I think.
Go! Joe Vandal!
Our now traditional morning, traveling doughnut. And a relaxing ride.
Our favorite band member Rachel Davis!! We love seeing her wear the black and gold
and play that trombone!
Russell was the only one brave enough to meet Joe Vandal. The cheerleaders
thought he was adorable.
A reallio, trulio, fire dog. The kids did well and were very gentle. (Note Russell's
puppy back pack. Baby leash. The only way to go.)
We watched the parade from almost behind the beginning. The crowds are so
much sparser at that end. Russell was able to sit and relax when needed.
Corgis vote Democrat. Who knew? Guess I need a Corgi.
Youthful drummer joining the pipes. So neat.
UI Polo team.
The Lentil Express. All aboard! Although the giant lentil may look a
little like a cow pie.
Oompa Loompa.
He was also the only one who would wear the tiara.
Just enough for a pic.
These pants.
Our friend Beanie with his refurbished tractor that had made its maiden parade
performance last summer in Fort Benton at Summer Celebration.
A girl fire fighter. Yes!
There was more candy in the wagon than there was boy. A pretty squishy,
"sweet" ride.
The parade and tail gate wore this guy out. He slept like this for almost an hour. Ouch!
One pic of Ethan. Yes, he was there and yes, he spent most of the day cuddled close to mommy.