Thursday, December 17, 2015

Three Parties

With my new smart phone I guess I haven't been taking as many pictures with my regular old camera. What a shame.

In October they had a Halloween party at preschool.

Mae, Teach Kasi and a friend.
These three!
The Monday of Thanksgiving week we had a Thanksgiving feast.

Love this face!
Russell's favorite place to be. In amongst some Pernsteiners!
A Thanksgiving feast! Turkey soup, rolls, carrots and juice. 
And today we had a Christmas celebration!

Russell is in on all the fun.
Another head band.
And a gift for mom & dad.
These three!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Harvest Party

After we tailgated at UI Homecoming we headed home for a nappy kind of afternoon. At 5:30 we got everybody up and dressed and went to our annual school Harvest Party. Mae's only request was, "Can I have some medicine before we go?"

Group shot.
What a trooper. She had been looking forward to the whole day for so
long. I felt so sad for her that she wasn't feeling well.
Costume concert. She got 2nd!
Cutest Woodie ever.
(Even though he wouldn't wear the authentic cowboy boots.)
Ron Weasley.