Monday, May 25, 2015


I mean, seriously.

Those eyebrows.

They light up a room.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

10 Month Annibirthery

10 months.

Come and gone.

I was on top of it and took these pictures (or pickers as Russell says) on the 17th. But of course haven't gotten around to posting them yet.

I was starting to be fairly concerned about Ethan's lack of gross motor skills/mobility. He was showing zero interest in pulling up, crawling or even rolling. As in .... he just sits there. But, like every other stage that he has gone through (a bit behind where I am used to), he has suddenly figured out that he can go places. We were playing games at the dining room table last week and I glanced over to where he was sitting in the living room.

And then laying on his back on the Boppy.

And then laying on his side on the Boppy.

And then ...

he was gone.

Like, gone.

Not to be seen.


He had started pushing himself with his arms and had gone clear across the floor. Looking quite proud I must add.

His biggest enticement right now is when he is outside on a blanket. He loves being outside. He loves grass. He loves to .... eat .... grass. So he either pulls the edges of the blanket toward him until he uncovers grass or he gets horizontal and rolls/pseudo-crawls until he gets to the edge. It's pretty unnerving to have him give you a big, open-mouthed grin and to be greeted with a long blade of grass plastered to his tongue.

Ethan likes attention and dislikes being left alone in a room. He's had a few days where I have had to load him into the Ergo and cart him around for awhile. Thankfully Mae is usually ready to give him all the attention he craves.

He is saying "ma-ma" but I don't know if it is in context or not. Sometimes it seems like it. He is making a variety of other sounds too. He and Russell seem to have their own language, much like I would imagine twins have. I love it when they are "communicating". And of course Mae has taught both of her brothers how to screech. Lucky us.

Ethan is also starting to make cute little faces on purpose. He has a sassy grin, a loving look, his angry face and a funny, squinty look when he is eating and doesn't like what I have to offer. Between his giant eyes and incredible eye brows he has one of the most expressive faces I have ever seen. Even his serious faces speak volumes.

This stage is so much fun because every day brings a new surprise!

Doing the photo shoot before church, a birthday party and a graduation party.
Russell says: Just a minute.
Ethan says: What the heck?
Russell says: There, that's better!
The entire time Mae is trying to get him to smile.
I finally banished everyone to try to get a solo pic.
With legs extended.
I wasn't having much luck.
What the heck mom? Why do you keep pulling my legs down?!
Etta at 10 months. (She was SO chubby!!)

Mae at 10 months. (I think she looks just the same!)

Russell at 10 months. Um, apparently I didn't do a ten month post for Russell. Oops? Sorry buddy!

Thursday, May 21, 2015


Two weeks ago today I turned 36.

Ever since I turned 22 I haven't liked my birthday very much. The growing older, the more responsibility, the growing older, the let down after the amazingness of birthdays when I was young, the growing older ....

Okay, okay, okay - I know that I'm not old. I get that. I'm in the prime of life actually. And this year I finally fully felt that way. My expectations for life are shifting slightly. I am so Type A in all that I do. But having four kids changes that a bit. Don't get me wrong, I think Type A helps me to parent four children. (Sleep schedule anyone? The only reason I lack sleep is because I choose to stay up too late at night.) But having four children keeps me from being too Type A.

Our days are fluid. While we have an overall schedule we follow I have learned to let go of the minutes. My stay-at-home-mom's schedule looks markedly different than my previous go-to-work schedule. Our lives do not run on school bells and I get more done before 8:00 a.m. and after 8:00 p.m. then I probably ever did when I was working outside of the home. That is hard for me. It has definitely been a hard transition. Our society dictates what is "work" and what is "not work". I'm not trying to say that one is better than the other. I am trying to illustrate that both paths are different. Drastically different. Incomparable. 

I'll get off my soap box now.

My main observation is this:

I am happy. I am happy with the flow of our lives right now. The ups, the downs, the rushed time, the calm time. I wouldn't trade it for anything. Birthday #36 was a perfect time for me to reflect.

Every day Russell illustrates to me how boys are just different
than girls. I can guarantee that neither of my girls ever tried to ride
a trike on a narrow, elevated walk wall. Granted, it's not that tall
..... but still.
We headed to Hell's Gate with sub sandwiches and chips from Winco to have a quiet Thursday evening dinner. There really were no other people there and the weather was perfect. 

It. Was. Wonderful.

Ethan has started finger feeding. He was quite content to stay put on
the blanket and enjoy his Puffs.
The three older kids are all to ages where they can play independently from
grown ups and just with each other. So much easier when you
are trying to relax.
We took their bikes down so they could get a different view than just
our block. Illustration #2 for the day of how boys differ from girls.
Russell found a slight incline at the top of the path near the parking
lot. After Bob came out of cardiac arrest and figured out that he
wasn't trying to ride to certain collision with a car we just sat back and
watched. He would waddle himself up to the parking lot, push off, lift his
legs and coast back to where we were sitting. I just see the wheels in his head
turning and exploring in a very different way than the girls. I am
almost (but not quite) dreading the time when he and Ethan put their
little heads together to dream up adventures.
The girls are to the age where they can play by the water all by themselves.
I am far away at this point. My camera being zoomed in almost as far as it
can go. But I know that they won't try to swim/wade/drown themselves if
I'm not right there. I'm sure Russell would have tried to swim to Asotin at this
point. (But he was busy coasting.)
Ethan has the most expressive face. This is his "smug" look.
"Look. I'm at the table. Just like I wanted. Ha!"
Last Saturday night we dropped off the kids with Grandma & Grandpa and headed out to Lindsey Creek Vineyards for Amy (Norgaard) and Mike Grow's wedding. It was a lovely evening.

I think this picture captures me at 36 perfectly.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


I mean, can you really ever get enough pictures of a cute baby?

Last week, while Russell was napping, we enjoyed some nice
weather and a wagon ride.
This pic reminds me so much of when Mae & Russell were buddies.
[Not so much these days, she usually wants to throw Russell in the garbage.]
Ethan has graduated from the Bumpo to the kitchen. He likes it!
Etta in the kitchen.
Mae at the big table.
Russell at the big table.
Russell is such a big boy helper. He wants to help all. the. time.
Good thing they get along so well.
These jammies were given to us by some band parents when Etta was born.
Each of the children have worn them but I seem to only have Internet proof of Etta.
They are very special to us and I was quite broken up when he officially moved
up into his next size of clothes. I actually squished him in for one more
night to get the pic and enjoy the moment. (And when I say squished, I
mean squished!) Thank you Peggy & Ralph!

Monday, May 4, 2015


Etta turned seven last week.

When did that happen?

It does not seem like it was seven years ago when she entered our lives. Then again, it seems like she has always been with us.

She is her own girl. That is for absolute sure. There are some ways that she is exactly like her father (some good and some bad), and some ways that she is exactly like me (some good and some bad). But she is definitely ALL Etta.

She loves to be outside. Running, playing basketball, riding bikes, skateboarding, playing pretend, digging in the dirt, getting wet. She would be outside all the time if we let her I think.



She got quite a few Lego Ninjago sets for her birthday. Now we can hardly get her out of her room! It is so amazing to watch this little person, who less than three years ago I had to help put puzzles together, put together these Lego sets. With no help from me. Her interest in reading has also been sparked by Lego books. Hey, anything that will get her reading is good with me!

Etta is an amazing big sister. Although she has told me repeatedly that "4 kids is really hard". When we talked through it I realized she meant being a big sister of three siblings is hard. She is quite introverted and after a long day at school around people she often needs her own space and quiet time when she gets home. Which is hard for extroverted Mae, who after a long day with me and two boys that don't do much, just wants to play, play, play with her big sister.

Just over the last few weeks Etta has really bloomed and grown in her maturity. Many, many tasks that I used to have to do for her all the time she can now do herself. It gives me hope for the future.

And while she and I often clash, we always seem to come back around.

Love you Etta-girl!

Taco party/giant playdate that she and I planned together.
The kids got to eat at a table all by themselves. They even
included Mae and Russell. Love it!
I think she is getting ready to claw through her presents.
Showing off the loot.
Enjoying Choco-Tacos that I made myself. No candles, but what can you do?
Group shot. These are Etta's three very best school friends.
[And if you look closely you can see a tiny photo bomber
who was not allowed outside.]
I see you Russell!
[Another photo bomber in the background. House host Grandma Cathy.]
Birthday morning waiting for Etta to wake up.
The bouquet was for Etta's birthday twin, Kate Cannon, a first
grade teacher at McGhee.
Getting ready to dig into her gifts from Aunt Molly, Grandma Cynthia and Aunt Marj.
It was her first birthday where we let her invite her own guests, pick her own dinner and really, over all, just celebrate her completely with out trying to turn the day into something for us.

I love this girl!