Thursday, December 17, 2015

Three Parties

With my new smart phone I guess I haven't been taking as many pictures with my regular old camera. What a shame.

In October they had a Halloween party at preschool.

Mae, Teach Kasi and a friend.
These three!
The Monday of Thanksgiving week we had a Thanksgiving feast.

Love this face!
Russell's favorite place to be. In amongst some Pernsteiners!
A Thanksgiving feast! Turkey soup, rolls, carrots and juice. 
And today we had a Christmas celebration!

Russell is in on all the fun.
Another head band.
And a gift for mom & dad.
These three!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Harvest Party

After we tailgated at UI Homecoming we headed home for a nappy kind of afternoon. At 5:30 we got everybody up and dressed and went to our annual school Harvest Party. Mae's only request was, "Can I have some medicine before we go?"

Group shot.
What a trooper. She had been looking forward to the whole day for so
long. I felt so sad for her that she wasn't feeling well.
Costume concert. She got 2nd!
Cutest Woodie ever.
(Even though he wouldn't wear the authentic cowboy boots.)
Ron Weasley.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

UI Homecoming 2015

On October 24th we headed up to Moscow to take in a brisk parade and tail gate party for UI Homecoming. (We didn't go to the game. More on that later.) ((And they won! Wha...?!))

Of course we visited our favorite girls.
(Soon after this I got plowed over by a giant bass drummer.
He did apologize.) ((They were rushing the cheerleaders.))
This makes my heart happy. They are two of Etta's very favorite
people. From when she was born.
(She's holding a donut. An annual tradition.)
It pays to know the right people.
(Everyone is so happy. Except Ethan is a little suspect.)
Last year we discovered being at the very beginning of the parade
is the best place to be. They were giving us bucketfuls of candy
and there were hardly any people around us at all.
Alum marching band.
Our good friend Beanie.
The sick girl. I just thought she wouldn't eat a banana because
she was waiting for said donuts. Bad mom moment.
The Girls are on either side of that front trombone. So proud of them!!
For some oldies but goodies...

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Dress Like a Teacher Day

I think that Etta is decidedly more dressed like a teacher than Bob!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Pumpkin Patch

Russell and I got to go on a pumpkin patch field trip with Mae's class. It was a lot of fun!

Some stories and songs to start off the day.
Chillin' with a few pumpkins.

Russell being silly.
Mae's turn. Look at those cheeks!
Henry too!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Fair X 2

This year we weren't able to go to the fair as a family as Bob was playing in the pit orchestra for the civic theatre production of Shrek. Thankfully both Mae's preschool and Etta's class got to go on field trips. On different days. So I was able to attend both.

Mae & Henry holding hands heading into the petting zoo.
A Nervous Nelly smile.
Either a giant rabbit or a tiny pig. Or both...
Mae & Henry showing pride in the apple sign that their class made.
It got a blue ribbon!
Mae's apple is in the upper right hand corner.
A couple of giant pumpkins. (She got tired of looking at Legos.)
Three turkeys in a row.
Etta's gang.
Etta, Ayden, Brenna and Kyle
Pigs are always a favorite.
The camel was pretty ... nerve wracking.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Road Trippin'

Way back in September we hit the road early on a Friday morning and headed to Big Sky, MT for a wedding. Decided to take a risk and go over Lolo Pass even though we have a child that suffers a bit from car sickness. On a good note - the child that normally suffers from car sickness did NOT get sick in the car. On a not-so-good note .... a child that normally does not suffer from car sickness DID get sick. But she was able to control herself and did not throw up in the car. 

The first time.

The second time she did throw up in the car but was able to hold it in long enough for me to come out of a deep sleep, wade my way from the front seat of the minivan to the back row, clear out a container and get it all in that. All while Bob was cruising at what I am going to assume was a cool 75 mph.

Four kids. Never ending excitement.

When we got to the top of Lolo Pass we stopped at the beautiful rest area/historical site that they have. It was sunny yet cool at that elevation and it was a nice break from the windy road.

(On a side note. For those of you who ever wonder about these kinds of things. We normally take Highway 95 north to Coeur d'Alene and then get on the interstate. This is highway 12(???) that goes straight up over the mountain. On paper it is much shorter mileage wise. But it is two-lane the whole way. And very windy. And there are not many places to get off of the road if needed. It usually takes us around 5 hours to get to Missoula going our "normal" route. This way took 6 because we stopped for an hour at the top to rest a queasy tummy. No difference time wise for us. It is a beautiful drive, don't get me wrong. But it is more of a leisurely jaunt for sure.)

Bob got a most-of-the-family-shot at the beginning of the short nature trail.
Mae was the one whose "seat belt was too tight" and threw up.
You wouldn't be able to tell from these pics.
 Then Etta wanted a turn with the camera.

Mae's turn.

Mae is so photogenic!

Boy shot!

Thursday, September 10, 2015


One thing that people said after Etta was born (and then kept saying after Mae was born) is, "Boys are different!"

It really rubbed me the wrong way. I mean, come on people. Can't we be a tad bit more enlightened than that? My girls are not into pink, princesses, hearts, glitter - anything even remotely "girlie".

But then we had a boy.

And then another.

I have to say ...




If I had an Instagram account I would probably be posting many a picture daily with #BoysAreDifferent.

Because they just are.

When Etta was a toddler we would spend hours outside (not necessarily all at once) studying bugs, flowers, dirt, leaves, birds, etc. She is the one who slowed me down and made me realize that you can look at a tulip for 20 minutes. Or that watching a robin fight and eventually conquer a worm is definitely an acceptable reason to push back bed time for at least a half an hour.

But all the things that she did she did while staying fairly tidy. (Unless it was mud play. She did not stay tidy during mud play.) And while listening to directions. "Etta, stay in our yard, don't go in the street and don't touch anything you're not supposed to." And she wouldn't.

Now you hear me saying things like, "Russell!! Get out of the street and put your pants back on!!!" Or Bob's voice from outside the other day, "Russell!! Don't pee on the dog!!" Hence #BoysAreDifferent.

The example from today that finally prompted me to write this post.

We walked Mae to preschool and dropped her off. Russell was crying because he didn't want to go home. [Alone. With his boring old mom.] So I was trying to distract him.

Me: "Russell!! Look! A bug!"
Russell: "Bug! Bug!"
Me: [Poking the roly-poly causing it to roll up] "Where did the bug go?"
Russell: [Eyes light up when he spots it.] "Right dere!"


Russell: "I got it!!"


This pic has nothing to do with my post. But I've had it for awhile
and I just adore it.
I totally know that there are girls that don't follow directions and probably try to pee on their dog too. And that there are boys out there who love to sit still and follow every direction that they are given. This is just an example of my personal experience with two girls and two boys in one family. We also throw in a bit of nature vs nurture with our adoption. I did read the book "Why Gender Matters" a few years ago. Boys and girls are different. And that's okay. I personally don't believe that clothes, hair cuts or toy choices define what a boy or girl is. But there are some definite hormonal differences that make each individual person unique. If you haven't read this book, I completely recommend it.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

All About Mae!

Today Mae started preschool. 

It is weird here without her this morning.


Kinda boring.

Say what you will but I have LOVED having her with me for an "extra" year. Four has been my favorite age so far and I am so glad that I got to experience the entire year with her by my side. Now it will be time to be more intentional about the time that we spend together. She wants to read "The Doll People" again so I think we will start this afternoon.

But she was definitely ready to go to school. "It's just 3 times a week mom. You won't miss me." It's her time to shine.

Eggs & toast. Breakfast of champions good learners.
The breakfast boys.
Birthday month and the first day of school.
Mae said to me the other day, "Mommy did you know that ALL of the pictures
on the calendar this month are pictures of ME?!" Yes, baby, I know.
Getting ready to head out.
She has been ready to ride her bike to school for over a year now.
Pose at preschool. (Russell is watching Henry get out of his car.)
Preschool buddies. "Mommy! It's a Henry Day!! Three days a week!!!"
Starting a map. "I like crayons best. Oh look! There's markers!!"
Getting down to some serious business.
Two years ago this was our mornings. The first two pictures were taken exactly two years ago today. Somedays I feel like I'm not getting anywhere. But I think that I like where I am.